
Berea Bible College is an institution of Christian education dedicated to prepare ministers to serve God in areas of great need in our country.

Berea Began under the vision of service and dedication to God. John 12:24 has been our motto. “ Unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it die, it produces many seeds” To die to the ways of this world and to give fruits for Christ is what has marked the rhythm  of our hearts and desires.

Our ministry has a strong desire to prepare ministers of the Lord. We desire to deliver to  God men and woman with the character of  Christ, with the love of God in their hearts and with the message of the   Gospel in their minds, ready to preach His word to those who need it  most.

 Our ministry is a place dedicated to preparing future ministers. We offer a three year program where the students learn about the bible. It’s a place where Young people are formed and trained to serve the Lord.  Most of our students are Young people that come from difficult economic situations, and they are not able  to afford their studies, dorm, food, and other expenses. So our ministry helps them with their needs, and offers the opportunity to be prepared to work in the Lord field.

Berea has the desire to open many doors for these students, and allow them to opportunity to prepare them selves to faithfully and whole heartedly, serve the Lord. On occasions, our students arrive at Berea without the mere basic necessities, much less the funds to continue their passion to learn more of the Word of God.  Berea wants to help so they may spread the love of the Lord.

We also have a very intense missionary program. Our ministry has been connected with carrying the Word of God to the poorest places in Monterrey area. We help them with material helps such as food, water, medicine, blankets.  The economy at these places is difficult and the employment its scare. Our ministry   has the primary desire to share the love of Jesus and also share  some of the blessings that the Lord has placed in our hands

As you can see this is a places in which all our desire is to  increase the kingdom of God in Mexico and show the love and salvation that Jesus offers. We thank you  for  Reading about us and we desire that the Lord  bless you every minute of your life.

Unknown Web Developer

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